Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Marji's BRILLIANT Rottnest Trip!
I had the utter privaledge of being invited away to Rottnest Island with Marjeanne for her birthday and we were graced with the presence of six other beautiful women, beautiful both in spirit as well as the obvious.
There were so many amazing experiences and here are but a few:
Well doing some exercise for a change was a very invigorating and inspiring experience. We were up every morning with a garunteed 1.2km ride and we ended up doing at least 8 or more km's a day so i was feeling rather lovely by the end of the trip and it has left me with the inspiration to want to continue my fittness kick long term!
And i am pleased to say that yesterday i did a vigorous walk as well as a bike ride and today i am looking forward to doing a very long walk around the river so YIPEEEE!
I also snorkeled for the very first time! It was SO BEAUTIFUL and i just LOVED every minute of it, i am going to Jiruan (i think that is the wrong spelling) Bay next weeekend and look forward to snorkelling with my best friend who knows lots and lots and lots about that sort of thing so that will be THE COOLEST!!
I also got to spend time getting to know Sarah the swiss girl and Alisa (sorry i think that is the wrong spelling too...) and that was so great, what an inspiring duo, thanks girls :-)
And i got a photo with a quokka they are the Cutest things, why would people want to bash them?!?!
I just wanna thank each and every girl there because you all inspired me in one way or another and here is just one of the many ways how:
Marjie- You always teach me how to be Fun loving, that smile and vibrant personality is infectious so keep it up :-)
Sandy- Your soft and gentle ways inspire me to be calmer and the fact that you can be counted on is always a wonderful quality in a friend. Thank you.
Leanne- You are just so funny and it was great to have you there because you know how to lighten the mood :-)
Jenny- You are so confident and you know what you want and that inspired me to be sure of myself.
Emma- You are a real sweetie and being in your company is such an uplifting and warm place to be so thank you for making the trip so comfortable.
Sarah- WOW you are so FULL on for GOD and your passion just oozes out of you, and i am just so glad to have had the time to be inspired by you to live my life for God with more zest and oomph and PASSION, and the most important of all dedication. So thank you.
Alisa- Thank you for helping me to navigate the waters of love with more clarity, thank you for reminding me to value my life before marriage and thank you for shining light on where my focus should be and that is on Jesus...
So thank you all and i hope to do that again sometime :-)
All in all the trip was life changing and SO much FUN!
Here are some pics for you all to enjoy :-)
Love Des

Posted by
Food Loving Mama
2:08 PM
1 Heloooo!
Loving the beard!
Hey everyone Greg has a beard! And it is Soooooooooooo cute dont you think ;-) Now he has a goatee and that is pretty cute too!
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
11:40 AM
Monday, February 06, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
11:00 AM