Dance Dance Dance!
Hello Lovely people!
Glad to be here once again, and even GLADER that i finally figured out how to post pictures!
The collage that i have up there is Project Dance Sydney. WHAT AN EYE OPENING, God annointed, Power packed, LIFE changing experience. The BIGGEST turning point i have EVER had in my entire life...
God was so very present, we were able to grow so much closer to each other as a team as well as to our Jesus.
We were so blessed in the whole thing, from the mere beginnings of the trip, as in the very dream of going, to the reality of being there and having our flights paid for! God is Faithfull, and he BLESSES in abundance.
Just being in the presense of Dancers from all over the world (Los Angeles, New York, Housten Texas, Rio and the likes) and being able to share the love of using out bodies to glorify our maker was an EXTREME blessing.
I just know it changed my life...
Oded and Sammy if you ever read this i want you to know that you guys are just so SHINING with the love of God, and please don't ever doubt that! May your lives be filled with the Love of God so that you can keep spilling it out on to all who are Blessed enough to come accross your paths in their lifetime...
To Our Team
Those that have come and had to sadly depart due to reasons good and bad.
To the faithfull DIE HARDS who are still there to this day.
And to the new comers.
I want you all to know that you have deeply touched my life in one way or another...
To our AMAZING leader Adele Watts
I look at you and all the passion, fire and fervency that BURNS within your heart for the cause and i am truly Inspired.
You have kept on keeping on through sickness, pain and hardships, and i can truly say that if i am half the woman you are today when i take the angel of death by the hand it will be an extreme privalege.
God is using you to bring a Generation into His kingdon through the vehicle of dance and you are doing an OUTSTANDING job. But being under your leadership has taught me and our team that even though dance is so much fun as well as our vehicle for revival. Jesus is still our Utmost and He requires our HIGHEST attention, praise and love...
You have taught us where our priority in this team lies, and that is in putting Jesus at the very core of our hearts and making Him our very first Love.
And for that i so sincerely say
Thank you.
To Jesus
You took me from a place that i was to the place that i am...
I cannot believe i was the girl that never wanted to go to the school socials, or dance anywhere EVER, (not because i didnt want to), simply because i did not believe i could... I was the girl with the two left feet that were just so unfortunately as dead weight as lead when it came to moving to music...
God look at me now.
I am the girl that you can't get off the dance floor at a party.
I am now dancing to bring healing to a generation that so DESPERATELY needs your love.
God you are so FAITHFULL, so willing to Bless, so KIND and so Intense in your love for me... So i with all i have within me
Thank you.
1 comment:
I was so blessed with your fiendship and have the oportunity to hang with you in Sydney it will be a experince that I (Oded) will never forget . You blessed me, with your pureness and humbliness and maturity that makes glad that God let us meet each other and sincerely , you can call me a friend .
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