Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Choose Life...

Tulips splash colour near the bubbling brook
Roses add beauty and wonder
The snow covered mountain stands sparkling in splendour
The desert oasis remains a wonder

A frozen over lake speaks Power and Strength
A giant oak in the fall speaks at length to our soul
A snow covered forrest is peaceful and lovely
The sound of rain is like soothing the pain

The pain that we feel when the world makes no sense
The pain in our hearts when lovers reject
The pain of living just waiting to die
The pain of not knowing and living a lie

A lie that is spun by satan's smoothe tongue
He says live eat drink and do what you want
Don't think about love and life after death
Who cares just ENJOY and take till you're left

Till you're left in the dark of your heart all ALONE
The confusion and emptiness has taken control
You feel down and bruised and used in your soul
You inner being is FRENZIED and no longer whole

Don't believe him he wants to EAT you ALIVE
On your lust and your sins he FEEDS and the THRIVES
He wants you to be lost in the dark
He wants you to hurt while he sits there and laughs

That splendour you see when you look at creation
Its not just by chance it was made by YOUR Maker
The beauty you see in that GIANT oak tree
Is the same beauty that lies within you and within me

The lake frozen over the forrest covered in snow
God did it for you so that His love you would know
He loves you without a shadow of doubt
He LOVES you despite the way you turned out

DON'T think that you need to make your life right
To change and be "perfect" to come into God's sight
Jesus God's Son has taken the fall
He hung on the cross Now God's FREE for ALL

Come broken come dark come Sin FILLED and ALL
There is No discrimination when on His name you call
Call out "Jesus i need You breathe life in my soul!"
"Come fill me with Pure love and make my heart Whole..."

"I'm tired of living for temporary high's
I need one that lasts one that PERMANENTLY satisfies
I think it is You PLEASE show me You're REAL
I NEED to know you Jesus and Your pure love to feel..."

NO DOUBT He will Fill you
NO DOUBT He will come
NO DOUBT He will Love you
He's already payed the sum

Paraphrase- Revelation 3:20

"Look at Me. I Jesus stand at the door of your heart and I knock. If you hear Me calling you, and you open the door of your heart for me i will come in and change your life forever. I will make you more than a Conquerer!"

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