Sunday, December 04, 2005

Lots and Lots a Happening!

Greggie and I with BIG hair!

Alan and Emma.

Greggie and I mucking about at home.

Greg and I at Gelato on Mommies Birthday!

Maya and I getting our faces painted at Allison and Daniels house with everyone else for the end of year banquet for Leadership college.

Me and Kissey Face Greggie at Al and Dans :-)

Us again.

Allison and Dan.

Bernie, Mina, Al, Me and Maya.

From left Greg, Me, Bern, Al, Dan, From Bottom Left Mya, Lam V and Mina

Funny Ryan!

Bob and Crusty the masked men...

The corsage Greg bought me for the ball :-) SUCH a SWEETIE Pie.

1 comment:

Marje said...

wow those two boys (greg and alan) look so similar its scary. its like greg has had a big hair cut!