Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Im looking down the road of life
and along the way there is pain and strife
But though these things may come my way
I choose to look to God and PRAY

PRAY for God to come on through
PRAY for Him to clear the blue
PRAY for Faith to Trust He is there
PRAY for trust to know he cares

PRAY for life to turn around
PRAY for JOY to come on down
PRAY that Jesus shows His face
and i PRAY that i will Feel His GRACE

I believe bad times must come around
because these times is where Wisdom's found
Wisdom teaches us to learn
How this life we can discern

Wisdom to know what Not to do again
Wisdom that shows us How To avoid the pain

Wisdom that shines light on what Hurts us SO bad
Wisdom that says STOP that makes you really sad

Wisdom that knows the good from the not
Wisdom that shows the Right from the rott

Wisdom that keeps us from continually hurting others
Wisdom that says Shhhhh don't go there don't bother

Wisdom that teaches us when to just listen
and Wisdom that teaches us to go where we will Glisten

Ahhh the things that Wisdom does just go on and on
and If we but obey them we will grow wise and STRONG!

So don't take hardships wrongly and swiftly wish them away
But Thank God for teaching you and making your path straight

Ask him for Wisdom for Every hard, hard time
And Use the dark valley this large life mountain to climb.

Thank you Jesus

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