Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dreams, Destiny and Clarity

Why is it that some of us are born into this world knowing what we want to do? Knowing our desires, our dreams and our plans for the future be it in God or not...
Why is it that some of us are born with fiery passions that burn and burn until they are fulfilled? Why is it that some of us have gifts that are so OBVIOUS that we are able to hone them and grow them and use them as tools to CHANGE THE WORLD!
Whis is it that some of us are born with natural abilities that are so potent that there is no possible way we could deny them, not matter how hard we tried?
Why is it that some of us are born into bodies that are undeniably strong and lithe and beautiful?

On the other hand why is it that some of us have no real idea what we want from the word go? Or worse so that we think we know what we want, but when we get about three months down the track, that thing seems like just another hazy and fickle unsurity? Why is it that we have to work SO hard on the things we want to be good at, and that there seems to be no real natural abilities in sight...
Where are our passions, why do we feel like the walking dead and the barely living even though we are Alive?

And then there are more of us. Those of us who once knew what we wanted, who had a picture in sight and who were quite passionate and FUN and carefree and absolute all at once... Us who were definate to the point of being sagacious (Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness).
Where did all that go?

Life seems so cruel sometimes through the eyes of those living it, and i am not sure how to live it well, even when i am living my best moments...

Jesus please here me
Jesus please HELP me
Jesus i thank you
Love Des

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Chocolate Chilli Pepper LOVE

Just lately, well New Years day to be precise, my family and i went over to my auny's place just for a relaxing day :)
In the time i was there i decided to have a squiz at her bookshelf and there i discovered this book called Chocolate Chilli Pepper Love by Becky Freeman and folks it is BRILLIANT!

Get it out and read it, but in the meantime here are a few tit bits to wet your appetite...

"I have often regretted my speech,
but Never my silence" -Anon

"They do not love
that do no show their love" -William Shakespear

"Blessed is he who has learned to laugh at himself,
because he shall never cease to be entertained."-John Powell

"Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the windows shut,
and a woman that can't sleep with the windows open."-George Bernard Shaw (Here in lies the art of compromise... My thought :-)

"If men and wimmen think they are marrin' angels, they'll find out they'll have to settle down with human critters. I never seen a year yet, that didn't have more or less winter in it."-Josiah Allens' wife.

And to end with a quote that i love and would even love more if i could get the hang of it :-)

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an inperfect person perfectly."-Anon

So if you liked those and want to read a whole book filled with witt, humour and wisom then find it and read it

Ciao ciao

How much Cuter can you get???? Posted by Picasa

This much! :-) Posted by Picasa

Another art injection by God... Posted by Picasa

Art injection #2 Posted by Picasa

Nelson and Desmond and Dessie and Greggie :-)