Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Books, relaxing and enjoying my own company

I remember when i used to love being alone, just chilling in my own company and enjoying every last moment of it!

That was nearly about 11 years ago now...

Sad really when i come to think about it, because the more time i set aside for my relaxation and filling up my energy stations, the better and more effective person i will be able to be for others.

I wanna be the best i can be!

In all the time i spend a pondering
The time it passes by
In all the time i spend a wondering
The time it passes by
In all the time i spend a worrying
The time it passes by
In all the time i spend a crying
The time it passes by

It passes by
And mostly it flies
It slows down for no one
So i need to grow some

In growing ill learn to use my time well
To use it so laugh, to share and to smell
Ill use it to read, to run and to love
Ill use it to ponder my Father above

Time will pass quickly without my say so
But i have the means to make my time growth...

So here's to another moment of growth!

Sometimes painful
Sometimes joyful
Sometimes hurtful
Sometimes wonderful

Cheers! To growing pains :-)

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