Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Im sitting at Church after doing Spiritual formation and waiting for my Church History unit to start... The others are having Theology and they are studying Ethics and it sounds SO INTERESTING, now i am wishing that i had taken that unit non accredited but i know that i felt the need to just do two units this semester and after praying about it i know that i heard God saying that the two units should be Church History and Pastoral Care... But i want to be in there with everyone else doing Ethics and learning about what we think about Divorse and Cheating and Sex and all that other stuff that makes the world go round!
I want to be in there because that is such a painful subject when it gets messed with and i want to hear what everyone else thinks about it too.

Well this is about 45 minutes later and God Just sent one of my fellow students in here and we were talking for well 45 minutes about life and divorse and hard times and it was AWESOME.


So what are your views on what happens when your lover cheats on you?

1 comment:

Simone said...

Hey Des,
not commenting, just wanting to say hi and miss your smiling face!
Simone Field