Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hey hey hey

Lars, Mia and i when they came to Perth about a month or more ago, was cool catching up!


Mv$H said...

hey dezzy, you've got some BEAUTIFUL piccies on your blog. Keep up the great work! I'm glad to read that things are going well for you ;)

btw, your hapa sis has a new blog address - i got locked out of my last one somehow! ... but it's almost the same, but with the correct spelling for "hawaiian"! What a duffa. I was out at dinner and some of the girls in my home group told me i had spelt it wrong.... and i am always telling people i'm hawaiian!

Anyways, take care. Love & God Bless, M

Food Loving Mama said...

Thanks for the comment, i went to your blog to try and comment but there was no comment spot :(
I finally updated, how are your new shoes with wheels?
I bought a jacket off e bay too it was cooool!!
Take care

Mv$H said...

I got locked outa that blog ;-( My new blog allows comments and is DIFFERENT to the last one, but only by one letter, i.e. "a" in the word "hawaiian". Funny how i can create two almost identical blogs at just a letter apart, hey!

My new skates are awesome, apart from the fact that i am no good on roller skates. I can rollerblade well though and i just assumed they'd be just as easy. So i've lent them a friend for now and she's loving them. Ebay is sooooo addictive, huh! You should post a piccy of your jacket on your blog, so i can assess if you're a champion ebayer ;-)