Trust in the Lord with ALL you heart, And DO not lean on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He WILL make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3: 5+6
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Oh What A Night!
1 comment:
Cell was soooo awesome .. nice pics Des.. you are getting good at this blog thing.. keep it up
Im a Mommy and a wife and a lover of life, i am doing this blog to record life as it passes by, i want to be able to look back on this journey in years to come and get to enjoy it again as it all passes too quickly...
As i post about my family, my weight loss journey, awesome recipes i have come across and creative ideas i have stumbled upon i hope i can inspire you in one way or another.
I would love you to journey with me and in doing so i hope i can make you laugh, make you hope, make your creativity come alive and make you life fuller by sharing my life journey with you.
Come and follow me, write to me and lets get to know each other to share new ideas and do life together. God Bless you
1 comment:
Cell was soooo awesome .. nice pics Des.. you are getting good at this blog thing.. keep it up
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