In America
People get this movie out, and then come and tell me your thoughts...
Trust in the Lord with ALL you heart, And DO not lean on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He WILL make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5+6
People get this movie out, and then come and tell me your thoughts...
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
11:37 AM
1 Heloooo!
Withstand him, be FIRM in faith.
1 Peter 5:9
If anyone out there is suffering with Depression, discouragement, fear, insecurity, lonliness, stress or worry of any kind then PLEASE do yourselves a favour and buy:
Straight Talk by Joyce Meyer.
I was a quarter of the way through typing a post on depression from her book and then i got this sick feeling like "this is wrong Des, you shouldn't be doing this". I don't know why because i suppose photo copying pages is just as wrong for copyright, but i had to stop and erase it. I guess this conviction was just stronger than any other wrong stuff that i do without thinking...
So Hang on TIGHT those of you that are fighting these battles, because they certainly are battles and YOU gotta stand strong and tell satan to MOVE!
Be well balanced, be VIGILANT and Cautious at ALL times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a Lion ROARING, seeking someone to seize upon and DEVOUR. Withstand him; be FIRM in Faith knowing that the same sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood throughout the world.
1 Peter 5:8-9
Joy will come, and it may seem like one more smile is going to kill you rather than build you up, but let me tell you, YOU need to just smile that one more time, because joy will come!
(James 1:1-5) "count it all Joy".
This is serious business brothers and sisters, so FIGHT like it is serious!
Jesus thank you for helping me, and thank you for the annointed and appointed people you have put out there who have been gifted to resource us with life giving words in times of need.
Most of all thank you for Your life giving word that tells us clearly the way in which to conquer the things of the devil!
Jesus i know there are MANY, MANY people out there suffering with depression, lonliness, fear, discouragement, insecurity and so on, and so Jesus i PRAY that you meet them where they are at, that you will resource them and that you will speak so clearly into their situation that they will have no choice but to RISE UP!
Jesus i pray that you will lift them from the pits of the devil and put them at the foot of the cross where all our sins and iniquities were taken upon your heart and done away with ONCE and for ALL.
I pray that you will BREAK the bonds that satan has tricked them into living under and that you will bring FREEDOM to their souls, SET THEM FREE Jesus i pray
In the All MIGHTY
All LOVING name of Jesus
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
7:37 AM
My Boy is Awesome, i got home today and these beautiful flowers were waiting for me! All because he is beautiful and misses me and thought of how sad i'd be that he was gone, so he made sure that id know that he loves me...
Sparkie loves balloons and because Greg knows that he made the florist put two balloons on the arrangement so Sparkie could have one.
You don't miss a beat do ya?
Thanks Bub
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
3:08 PM
Another day come and gone, but not just any day a very sad day might i add...
Apart from the fact that i had the worst stomach ache at work for the first half of the day unable to go home, (because we do not have that luxury of reief staff), the saddest part was that Greg left for Cambodia today.
And i am sad :-(
Sad but happy at the same time...
Sad because he is not here to cuddle, and hang out with and chat with and see, and pray with and fun stuff like that :-(
Happy because he is on a Missions trip and that is AWESOME cause he gets to see the side of life that most of us live oblivious to... The side that is sad and hurtful and lonely. He gets to be a part of bringing hope to the hopeless, and a smile to the face of people living in the midst of poverty beyond our western lifestyle.
I am happy that he gets to be a part of that and experience massive God movements in His heart through it!
So yeah i think this will be a sad time and a happy one, and i think we both needed it in more ways than one.
Me: to rest myself totally and to add some Freshness and more intimacy to my relationship with Jesus, to spend some quality time with myself, my family, my friends and my God and to realise just how much i do actually Miss Greg, and i think that is really apparent at the moment :-)
Greg: well maybe just to relax and see what God does...
So on that note i think i will go and spend some time with Jesus now :-)
Goodnight Lovely people
PS to those of you that see less of me these days my sincerest apologies, i have been quite sick in the last month or so and i do hope to see more of you all soon...
Take care of you
Your sister in Christ
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
7:45 PM
1 Heloooo!
Through Dissapointment comes Discouragement and through extended periods of that comes depression and that left unchecked breeds dispair...
It starts small and moves so softly and secretly that before you know it you don't want to go anywhere, see anyone or do anything...
Be aware, be very aware!
Don't let satan STEAL your JOY, Please Don't let yourself get to that point!
Don't give way to the Dark
Don't let Satan steal your SPARK
He tried to steal mine and almost suceeded
But it was the Voice of God in the end that i Heeded!
I heard God say Smile
The Joy is inside you
You dont have to find it
Its waiting to come through...
Don't wait for Joy to come when it feels far away, just do something that will activate it.
Smile, Praise, Laugh or spin around like a little child...
I know it seems silly but TRUST me it works!
Do not remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, i am doing a NEW thing! Now it springs forth; do you not percieve and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18-19
God says it so God WILL do it!
Believe it Brothers and Sisters BELIEVE IT!
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
6:08 PM
You taught me everything
And everything you’ve given me I always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life,
yeah There isn’t anything Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn’t feel right If I didn’t have you by my side You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down You were always there to comfort me And no one else can be what you have been to me
You’ll always be you
always will be the girl In my life for all times
mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you Mama,
mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul
You’re always down for me
Have always been around for me
even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin’ me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do What you have done for me
You’ll always be
You will always be the girl in my life...
Boys II Men
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
5:50 PM
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
5:42 PM
1 Heloooo!
Iron Ore:
About 98% of iron ore is used to make steel- one of the greatest inventions and most useful materials ever created.
While the other uses for iron ore and iron are only a very small amount of the consumption, they provide excellent examples of the ingenuity and the multitude of uses that man can create from our natural resources.
Powdered iron: used in metallurgy products; magnets; high-frequency cores; auto parts; catalyst. Radioactive iron (iron 59): in medicine; tracer element in biochemical and metallurgical research.
Iron blue: in paints, printing inks; plastics; cosmetics (eye shadow); artist colors; laundry blue; paper dyeing; fertilizer ingredient; baked enamel finishes for autos and appliances; industrial finishes. Black iron oxide: as pigment; in polishing compounds; metallurgy; medicine; magnetic inks; in ferrites for electronics industry. Major producers of iron ore include Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, and India.
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
5:41 PM
I WON tickets to go and see Charlie and the Chocolate factory! Oh my GOODNESS that is SO COOL :-) After i watched the first movie which was last year sometime i thought hmmm how pathetic cause it looked like the chocholate river was muddy water and the lollies were like blown up balloons... Ever since then i thought "Why dont they re-make it now, with all the new technology and stuff it would be AMAZING!" I even had day dreams about it, hahaha extreme i know. But i knew how good it could and because i had read the book when i was young and absolutely LOVED it i knew that the first movie did not do it justice at all. Then i saw the competition in the paper and it was to write your name and stuff on a piece of paper and send it into the West Australian to win charlie tickets, so i sent it in. AND I WON and is was MAGNIFISCENT, Johnny Depp played Wonka Brilliantly and the river was Amazing and the lollies were just Beautiful...
God is Awesome that He blessed me with the tickets and i THOUroughly enjoyed it!
Praise God
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
5:39 PM
Wowzers this keyboard REALLY hurts my hand!
But i think ill manage...
So life huh, yeah kinda funny sometimes
Kinda strange
Kinda wierd
Happens to the best of us
And even to the worst
Subtle changes come and go
Then big ones Rock our worlds!
It can be like
WOW cool day, amazing and wonderful
Or Damn where did that come from
It hurst and its so Uncool!
I feel disconnected, wierd and fuzzy and like how come things have changed so much, but then i guess change needs embracing and then i won't feel so out of touch...
Change with the change thats what i reckon, but then sometimes that is like such a "HOW DO I DO THIS!" kinda thing.
Work is like the PITS at the moment, was so good SO much of the time, now we are lucky to get a good time... And i think i have changed so much in the 6 years i have worked there, a friend of mine said to me "Des if you are rolling in Dog Poo all day it is kinda hard not to start smelling like it..." Wise young lass she is, VERY VERY WISE...
But i believe with the help of my Helper Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and my Father God, that i do have a Huge chance to be the light in that Dog Poo infested place! BUT i think i have forgotten how somehow over time...
BUT i am gonna PUSH through and learn how to be that light again! Even thought it may cause me some pain... Satan trying to sway my ways, trying to cloud my soul and trying to control... My emotions, my charachter, my demeanor and my ways
No way!
In the Almighty name of Jesus!
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
3:52 PM
One man come in the name of love
One man come and go
One man come, he to justify
One man to overthrow
In the name of love
One more in the name of love
In the name of love
One more in the name of love
One man come on a barbed wire fence
One man he resist
One man washed on an empty beach
One man betrayed with a kiss
Early morning, april four
Shot rings out in the memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride
Spoken for the reverent Martin Luther King - saint.
In the name of love
Posted by
Food Loving Mama
3:15 PM
1 Heloooo!